Aim of the stichting Gouden Eeuw Gorinchem (The Golden Age Gorinchem Foundation):
Directly and indirectly obtaining or financing 17th century works from painters from Gorcum or paintings of Gorcum by other well-known 17th century artists.
The Advice Committee consist of the following people:
Drs. Reinie Melissant-Briene MSM,
Mayor of Gorinchem
Dr. Petria Noble,
Head of the Restoration Department of the Mauritshuis Museum, The Hague
Prof. Dr. E.J. Sluijter,
Professor in Art History at the University of Amsterdam
Mr. P. IJssels.
Former mayor of Gorinchem
The board consists of the following people:
Drs. B. Biemans MA,
art historian and former member of the executive council of Gorinchem, chairman
lawyer, secretary
D.G.J. Ottevanger
Mrs. J.A. Ardesch,
artist and former council member of Gorinchem
The Golden Age Team has the following members:
Drs. B. Biemans MA,
art historian and former member of the executive council of Gorinchem, chairman
Mrs. J.A. Ardesch,
artist and former councilmember of Gorinchem